QUINTELA-SMITH, Rebecca | 'Elegance'
QUINTELA-SMITH, Rebecca | 'Knowing Stone'
QUINTELA-SMITH, Rebecca | 'Pin Cushion'
QUINTELA-SMITH, Rebecca | 'Wise One'
QUINTELA-SMITH, Rebecca | 'Fancy Pearls'
QUINTELA-SMITH, Rebecca | "Peacock Owl'
REETZ-BARNES, Sharaya | 'Jessalin'
REETZ-BARNES, Sharaya | 'Transitions of Life I'
REETZ-BARNES, Sharaya | Transitions of Life II
RUSKIN-SHANKLIN, Elizabeth | 'Grit'
SAMSON, Judith | 'Hidden Beauty'
SAMSON, Judith | 'Cityscape'
SEEBART, Scott | 'Round Lake with Tunnel'
SEEBART, Scott | 'Round Lake with Tree'
SELLMAN, Jordan | 'Untitled I'
SELLMAN, Jordan | 'Bonnie I'
SHEN, Pei | '桃花桥畔一方舟 Peach Blossom Bridge'
SHEN, Pei | '明州之秋 Autumn in Minnesota'
SISSON, Norman | 'Warp and Woof'
SMITH, Steve | 'They Who are with Me'
SMITH, Steve | 'Butterflies & Dragonflies'
SMITH, Steve | 'Nature's Garden Enhanced'
STAPLES, Alicia | 'Women United'
STAPLES, Alicia | 'Women Tree of Life'